Friday, July 16, 2010

This is turning into a recipe blog...

...and that's just fine. In fact that's super-awesome-great. Tell all your friends.

Honey Apple Pancakes of Awesome and Win 


1 c. Flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Salt (optional)
1 tsp. Cinnamon
½ c. Chopped Green Apple Pieces

1 tsp Butter or Margarine
1 TBSP Honey
1 c. Milk (I used two TBSP cream mixed with water to make 1 cup. See rant at the bottom.)
1 tsp Vanilla
1 TBSP vegetable oil
2 Eggs

Mix together the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon until you have evenly tan powdery goodness. Add the chopped green apples, coating them in the powdery goodness.

In a mildly warm little sauce pan, melt the butter and add the honey. Don’t let the honey cook. Add the milk, vanilla and vegetable oil. Let the honey dissolve, then remove from heat. Don’t let it get too hot, because you’re about to add the eggs. Bits of boiled egg in these pancakes would probably be pretty gross. Beat the two eggs, then add them to the nummy-nummy honey mix. Stir it all up good in there.

Add the powdery goodness to the nummy-nummy honey mix, or vice verse. I’ve heard it both ways, and it doesn’t seem to make too much of a difference. It’s delicious either way. But don’t over-stir. A few lumps is actually a good thing. Makes the cakes all light and fluffy.
Get a griddle or a pan all nice and hot (I’ve never owned a griddle, but I long for one) with a very light coating of vegetable oil. If you’ve made pancakes before, you know the drill: splash a drop of water in the pan and if it sizzles, the oil’s hot enough…yadda yadda yadda. If you have a griddle that lets you monitor the temperature digitally or something, then you’re a lucky son of a gun, and I have nothing to say to you.

Spoon about a cup of the miracle apple batter onto the hot pan or griddle at a time.  Flip ‘em when the edges are dry and you take a peek at the other side and find it golden brown. Make the other side beautiful, too. Transfer it to a plate. Show off if you can, pan-tossing the cake high in the air so it flips like an Olympic diver, then lands in the perfect center of the serving plate. I can’t do this, but you should. I bet it would be fun.

Important Note: The first pancake almost always looks like an abused pancake step-child, no matter how good you are at this. Eat it. You’re the cook. It tastes great, and no one needs to know that you don’t make perfect golden pancakes every time. Eat the second one, too, if it looks wonky. Or even if it doesn’t. These are soooo delicious!

Anyhoo, butter the heck outta the top and add some drizzles of honey. You can even dust it ever so lightly with cinnamon, but really everyone’s so impressed and hungry by now that the overkill just isn’t necessary.
Makes about 10 weep-on-your-plate-good Honey Apple cakes.

Snapp’s Tricks, Gimmicks and Rules
If you need to keep your heavenly creations warm while you cook 15 batches of this, a warm oven does the trick. Just don’t burn the heck outta your hands because you forget the plate’s hot. Like I do.  BUT--

Honestly it’s better to just yell “HOT CAKE UP!” until someone comes running in desperately with an empty plate each time one is ready and let them dress up their cakes themselves.  Make sure they refill your drink for you before they retreat with their prize, though.

Milk Rant: Here in Argentina, the milk tastes very different from anything I ever had in the states. I like it in  my coffee OK, but I don’t use it for anything else. Not even cereal. It reminds me of cardboard. But the CREAM, on the other hand, is glorious. Rich, almost nutty…and the ‘doble’ variety makes everything better. EVERYTHING. So there’s never milk in my fridge, only cream. So I improvise. Now you know.

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