Friday, May 1, 2009

Shucking Off Everything

Twenty-seven years of human life accumulates a lot of stuff. Of course, much of it has been lost, thrown away, given away, or used up. Good riddance! Moving every year or two means collections get whittled down, willingly or no.

Still, packing up my life and shipping it to Buenos Aires with me is arduous enough. From a full townhouse of possessions and random junk, I'm whittling down to a carry-on bag, a laptop, and two stowed pieces of luggage to get from this country to the next. No more. So the rest has to go. Just knowing all the stuff will be gone...I can't say it enough, good riddance!

I've already begun giving my dearest things to my dearest friends and family. Mom will get most of my paintings. Fellow pagans have been gifted books, tools and herbs of the trade. I've got to say, those have been the hardest to part with. But each painted glass jar, it's contents lovingly labeled in pigments and maji; each carved and painted box with crystals, figurines and majikal nick-nacks; each book of spells, correspondences, and compendium of the spirit worlds has a new home coming to it. So be it!

The rest is to be sold, each penny adding to the momentum building that will catapult me from this country to the next. Each pound of things and trifles and oddities and old past-times shed will add a feather to the traveler's wings, then off I fly!

So here's to a Spring Cleaning that will leave only the essential Sam behind. To any other pack rats out there that feel the weight of STUFF, that long to be an adventurer instead, shuck it off!

Happy Unloading!


  1. WOO HOO! Go Sami! I can only imagine what it must be like shuck it all off. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Oh and by the way Happy Beltane!


  2. I did that back in 2006 when I packed up and moved to China. I've been here in China ever since, but I'm starting to get sick of this place. The dreams and aspirations, the excitement of adventure, the calling of a free spirit all dwindled away into a monotony of everyday life. Being strangled by the hands of what we have come to call "work"...The daily "grind"...

    I'm now planning to leave this place and return to Texas...3 years is a long time. You'll be fine, enjoy it, learn from it, and most importantly grow from it.

    We didn't speak much back in High School, but I have defiantly grown from my travels.

    ~Thomas Lane -- You may not remember me...
